Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#028)


In this blog post, we will discuss why the terms "healthy" and "overweight" should not be used together. As a health professional with over a decade of experience in conducting health checks for companies across the UK and Europe, I'll explain the difference between being fit and overweight and how it impacts your overall health. We'll also explore the importance of maintaining a healthy body fat percentage and how simple changes in your diet can make a significant difference.

The Distinction Between Fit and Overweight:

Many people claim to be fit and overweight simultaneously, but it's essential to understand the nuances of these terms. For some individuals, being fit may only refer to how they feel about their physical condition, not necessarily based on any physiological markers. However, true fitness should encompass various factors like physiological markers, aerobic fitness, body composition, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure. While someone might feel healthy despite carrying excess body fat, the reality is that being overweight has serious physiological consequences.

The Health Implications of Being Overweight:

Being overweight significantly impacts your health, increasing the risk of various conditions such as stroke, diabetes, chronic heart disease, cancers, and high blood pressure, among others. It is crucial to differentiate between being fit and being healthy; even if you feel fit and can engage in physical activities, excess body fat takes a toll on your body, making it harder to perform tasks like cycling, running, or even walking due to the additional weight your body must carry.

Losing Weight to Improve Health:

One of the simplest ways to improve your overall health and make your life easier is to achieve a healthy body fat percentage for your sex. This means minimizing your risk for various complications by lowering your body fat to a healthy range. If counting calories isn't your preference, prioritize consuming vegetables and fruits as the main components of your meals. This will provide your body with essential nutrients, help you feel fuller for longer, and reduce the tendency to snack unnecessarily.

The Importance of Addressing Weight Issues:

Addressing weight issues is crucial not only for individual health but also for reducing the burden on healthcare systems like the NHS. It is essential to spread awareness about the negative implications of carrying excess body fat and encourage individuals to take steps towards a healthier lifestyle.


It is essential to recognize that being fit and being healthy are not interchangeable terms. While some may feel fit despite carrying excess body fat, the physiological impacts of being overweight cannot be ignored. Prioritizing a healthy body fat percentage and making mindful dietary choices can significantly improve overall health and well-being. By addressing weight issues, we not only enhance our own lives but also contribute to alleviating the strain on healthcare systems worldwide. Let's strive for a healthier future together.

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Why Healthy and Overweight Should Not Be in the Same Sentence!