Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#047)

Ever wonder why some endurance athletes shy away from the gym like it is haunted?

Well, join the club! As a coach, I've noticed this weird trend where strength training isn't getting the love it deserves among our fellow athletes. Let's dive into the why behind hitting the gym year-round.


So, you know VO2 max, right? It's been hailed as the end-all, be-all for performance. But recent research spills the tea that it is not the holy grail we thought. Surprise, surprise! Turns out, it is not just about how much oxygen you can suck in but how efficiently you use it, aka your economy.

And here's the scoop: better economy equals less fatigue and lower energy costs. Imagine two runners with the same VO2 max, but one rocks a 13-minute faster marathon time. The secret sauce? Running economy, baby!

Why is Economy Important?

Now, you can improve your economy by pounding the pavement or cycling your heart out. But here's the plot twist—gym sessions can be your secret weapon.

Strength training isn't just about lifting heavy things or doing explosive moves; it's about getting all your muscle fibres to dance in sync. Picture it: your body sends stronger signals to your muscles, resulting in epic force production and improved economy.

And guess what? Strength training gives your muscles a stiffness upgrade, creating a bungee cord effect for your legs. Translation: you can propel yourself without burning extra energy. It's like having a turbo boost for your run!

Improved Power Output

But wait, there's more! The gym isn't just a powerhouse for economy; it's also the VIP pass to boost your power. Think Force x Velocity = Power. Heavy lifting amps up your force production at any speed, while explosive plyometrics cranks up the power dial.

More power means less strain on those Type II muscle fibres during endurance activities, saving them for the final race sprint.

And speaking of sprints, hitting the gym regularly gives your anaerobic capacity and final sprint a killer upgrade. Track sprinters know the score—gym time is the secret sauce!

Make weight training a regular part of your training schedule.

Now, I get it. Time is tight, and the road calls your name. But check this out: swapping a bit of road time for gym time could be a game-changer. A study found that trading just 32% of road work for gym sessions led to improved 5k times, running economy, and anaerobic capacity. Meanwhile, the 3% group didn't see any changes. Talk about a gym win!

Hold up, though. Not all gym routines are created equal. Choosing the right exercises and giving those muscles some TLC is key. If you're feeling lost, snag a coach—they're like gym wizards, trust me.

And guess what? Once you hop on the gym train, you might just love it as much as your routine. Plus, bonus points: strength training can be your injury-prevention buddy, age-fighting superhero, and health-improving sidekick. Mark my words, strength training is the future for all endurance athletes. Join the revolution now—you won't regret it!


Landry Bobo: https://www.trainingpeaks.com/blog/strength-training-why-all-endurance-athletes-should-go-to-the-gym/

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Why All Endurance Athletes Should Go to the Gym