Personal Lessons and Experiences From The Past Week


This past week over the bank holiday, I went hiking in Sidmouth, Devon. As someone from Devon, I highly recommend visiting this beautiful area if you haven't before. Exploring Sidmouth and the surrounding countryside was a new experience for me, and it was amazing.

The coastline, countryside, and forests were all stunning. It made me realise that being healthy allows you to experience life to the fullest. If I wasn't as fit, I wouldn't have been able to explore the area as much as I did.

On the first day, we did a 15-mile hike. On the second day, we did a 6-mile hike with lots of elevation. Devon is pretty hilly, and if you've been there, you'll know what I mean. Thanks to the training I did over the winter, focusing on zone two efforts, I saw a lot of benefits.

At the time, it didn't feel like I was achieving much, but my aerobic capacity was much improved. I was able to climb hills and hike without getting out of breath or working up much of a sweat. I felt engaged with my muscles and glutes, driving forward as I hiked. Overall, I felt really good.

My takeaway from this experience is that the fitter you are, the more you can enjoy activities like hiking or sightseeing when on holiday. Even if you haven't been very active, struggling during a holiday can be a wake-up call to review your fitness levels and activity. The more consistent you are with aerobic conditioning, the better your fitness will be, and the easier it will be to enjoy your activities without feeling taxed or troubled.

I've been focusing on consistent aerobic conditioning over the last few months, and it has helped me build a solid foundation for my fitness. I can still enjoy activities like cycling and hiking without it taking a toll on my body. Going forward, I'll continue this process because my activity levels and aerobic capacity will continue to improve without too much intensity. Managing my fatigue, efforts, and recovery well will pay off in the long run, keeping me fit and healthy for years to come.

In summary, the key takeaway for this week is that keeping active is crucial for enjoying life to the fullest, especially during holidays or other activities that require physical exertion.


This week, I had an interesting conversation with some family members about the wealth mindset. We discussed whether someone is focusing on an affluent mindset or a scarcity mindset. During the conversation, a family member mentioned that they no longer have to work from the office and only have to go in once or twice a month. They were happy about the fact that they could now park for free and even share a Lyft. They didn't have to pay for petrol, and they mentioned it in passing.

This got me thinking about a scarcity mindset versus an abundant mindset. Those with a scarcity mindset focus on saving money all the time, while those with an abundant mindset focus on developing and improving their income by taking calculated risks to increase their wealth. Saving money is important, but not to the extent that it limits one's ability to enjoy life. A balance between saving and spending money on enjoyable things is necessary.

I am personally trying to maintain a balance between an abundant mindset and saving money. I believe that focusing on earning more money and taking calculated risks is better than solely focusing on saving money. A scarcity mindset may also affect other aspects of one's life, such as seeing opportunities as half-empty rather than half-full.

Overall, the conversation about the wealth mindset was interesting, and I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic in the comments below.


Finally, in terms of mindset, this translates to either an abundant mindset or a scarcity mindset. I recently listened to a podcast with Tim Ferriss where he interviewed Kevin Kelly, the author of '1000 True Fans.' If you haven't read the book, it's about creating a loyal fan base to support your new business. They discussed having an abundant mindset and being an eternal optimist who takes action.

Many people have optimism that things will work out, but they don't take action to make it happen. The podcast emphasised the importance of taking action and having a glass-half-full approach, rather than just hoping everything will work out. Recognise that you have the ability to make changes and improve your life.

The podcast is really good and covers topics such as AI and Kevin Kelly's life. He has had an amazing life and accomplished a lot, including writing and publishing books. He has a new book coming out that shares quotes and life lessons from his experiences.

Having an opportunistic mindset is more positive than thinking negatively and assuming everyone is out to get you. A scarcity mindset can limit your potential and cause you to close yourself off from opportunities.

Share your thoughts on mindset this week.

Lyric/ Quote I'm pondering

"The thing about optimism isn't that our problems are smaller than we thought.It's just that our capacity to fix things is much greater than we thought." - Kevin Kelly

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Neil Damerell Msc
Health, Wealth & Mindset. Sharing my past and present experiences and the lessons I am learning along the way. Find out more about me and the support I offer by going to my website. Come say hi over on Facebook or Instagram. Email me for any inquiries.

Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#017)