Personal Lessons and Experiences From The Past Week


From a health standpoint, I have been having numerous conversations with people this week, and a common question that arises during health assessments is whether one should eliminate carbohydrates, make changes to their diet in order to lose weight or try diets such as keto or slimming world.

However, my response to them is that they do not need to make any significant changes. Instead, they simply need to be more conscious of the calories they consume, the size of their portions, and their physical activity levels. Even something as simple as taking a walk every day and striving to reach 10,000 steps consistently can lead to significant long-term lifestyle changes, as opposed to eliminating carbs for a brief period and then regaining the weight.

Although cutting out carbohydrates initially may yield quick results and substantial weight loss, it is not a sustainable long-term solution, as it often leads to regaining the weight once carbs are reintroduced to the diet. Furthermore, most of the time, cutting out carbs only results in a reduction of water weight, as carbs have higher water content and retain more fluid in the body. Therefore, it is critical to understand that being more physically active and mindful of what one consumes is more beneficial in the long run.

While we may all desire to be more physically active in general, even minor changes such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator can be helpful, especially since many jobs today are sedentary. Most of the time, we eat because we are bored or tired, rather than due to actual physical hunger. By being more aware of when we eat and how much we consume, we can better understand our emotions surrounding food and develop greater control over them.

Therefore, rather than constantly seeking quick fixes or eliminating things we enjoy from our diets, it is more beneficial to keep things simple and focus on being more mindful of what we eat and how much we consume. This will undoubtedly aid in improving our overall health and well-being in the long run.


In terms of wealth, this week, I've been mindful of my spending habits. I'm not sure about you, but I'm certainly being more mindful of my income and expenses. Managing finances is vital, especially because financial literacy is not often taught in school. Learning how to budget and save is crucial, as not being mindful of it is like not being mindful of your calorie intake.

Spending habits impact financial stability, especially if you're saving for a holiday or setting aside money for a rainy day. Reviewing your bank statement every month and examining your spending habits can help you identify areas where you can save. For instance, if you're spending unnecessarily on eating out and socializing, you could cut back on the occasional night out to save money. Cancelling unused direct debits is also a good idea.

I consistently review my spending habits and check my bank statement daily using apps that categorize my spending for me. There are also apps that can save money for you, making it easier to manage your finances. Managing your finances helps you support yourself and be financially stable.

In America, few people have a month's worth of savings to live off, which makes them live from paycheck to paycheck. The Covid pandemic highlighted this issue. It's advisable to have at least three months of savings to fall back on if you're out of work for any reason. Anything greater than that could be invested in assets that create more wealth.

This week, I plan to track my spending habits, assess my income and expenses for the last month, and identify areas where I can save and spend less. This way, I'll be on track to achieve my saving goals going forward.


In terms of mindset, this week I've had many conversations with clients and conducted market research, and I noticed that a common theme arose among over a dozen people. It seems that many people are constantly reaching for something they previously had, but their circumstances, such as age, fitness level, or injuries, may not allow for it to be a possibility anymore.

This made me reflect on the importance of acceptance, especially as we age. Our ability to perform at certain levels may not be as effective as when we were younger. We can see this in professional sports where athletes tend to decline in their performance as they get older. Each sport has its own peak age, but it ultimately depends on the individual and their level of physical activity.

As an amateur cyclist, I believe that it's important to accept that we may not be able to perform as much as we could have in the past, and be comfortable with where we are going forward. However, there's no reason why we can't aim to progress and improve ourselves at any age. It's vital to keep progressing to maintain overall fitness and improve our health and well-being.

As we age, our priorities may change, and it's important to accept that. Going out and socializing may change, and it's okay to not want to party like we did when we were younger. We need to accept where we are in life and embrace the stage that we are in. We should focus on finding inner peace and acceptance, and not always be living in the past or future. It's essential to fully embrace our current situation and be happier at that moment instead of always wanting something we don't have.

If you find yourself struggling to let go of certain habits or past experiences, it's important to try and let go of them and fully embrace the present. Acceptance can bring about more inner peace, and we should concentrate on embracing our current situation to get the most out of life. This week, focus on your mindset and finding acceptance within yourself.

Lyric/ Quote I'm pondering

“Get better at whatever you're doing. So what if you suck at it now. Everybody sucks at everything when they start. But if you love it, and don't lie to yourself, then get better at it." - Joe Rogan

Neil Damerell Msc
Health, Wealth & Mindset. Sharing my past and present experiences and the lessons I am learning along the way. Find out more about me and the support I offer by going to my website. Come say hi over on Facebook or Instagram. Email me for any inquiries.

Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#013)