Personal Lessons and Experiences From The Past Week


This week, the five days of training that I had been doing each week at 5 am finally caught up with me. After work on Thursday, I felt like a zombie. Why? Well, for the past two weeks, I had been training for six days a week.

Even on my day off on Sunday, I was out walking for a few hours with my girlfriend. Although it wasn't intense training like riding my bike or weightlifting, it still required me to be on my feet for a considerable amount of time. As a result, on Thursday, I felt the need for a good rest. I decided to take Friday to enjoy some extra hours in bed before I planned to cycle again on Saturday morning.

This approach proved to be effective, as on Saturday, I cycled around Regents Park in London for an hour at an average speed of 21 mph, thanks in part to my friend Jamie for setting the tempo.

Although it was a challenging session, it was well worth it and lots of fun. I realized that I would have to get used to riding at that intensity as I have events coming up later in the year. However, what made this possible was the fact that I took a day off to rest on Friday. This helped me to save my best for my weekend ride and maximize my performance.

I noticed that my legs didn't feel as tired when I went cycling on Saturday, and as a result, my performance was much better. So, the lesson for me this week was to prioritize my rest just as much as I prioritize my training. Rest is crucial because it allows the body to recover and become stronger.


It was fascinating to experience a wealth perspective based on other people's viewpoints. We often get caught up in judging what others have based on their social media presence, followers, and likes.

We assume they are doing well in their business and create a story in our heads based on what we see from the outside. This is like judging a book by its cover without taking the time to read and understand what's going on behind the scenes.

In today's world of social media, people tend to portray an image they want others to see, rather than revealing what's happening behind the scenes. However, the truth is that many of these people may be struggling with debt, relationship issues, or other problems that are not visible from the outside. This can cause their businesses to be less successful than it appears on paper.

Therefore, it's crucial to understand that what we see on the outside may not be an accurate reflection of someone's reality. It's easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, but it's essential to remember that we all have our own struggles and challenges.

Understanding wealth from our own perspective and viewing it critically is vital. We should also recognize that we are doing well in comparison to others and not judge our progress based on what we see on social media.

Instead, we should focus on our own journey and what we want to achieve. We must not get distracted by comparing ourselves to others based on their social media presence. Everyone's path is different, and we should have a laser focus on our own goals and aspirations.


I want to have a conversation about fear, especially in the context of coaching. As a coach myself, I invest my hard-earned money in someone to support me, and I also coach others.

When we invest in coaching, we often feel overwhelmed by fear. It's natural to feel this way because we are investing our money with the goal of achieving tangible results such as weight loss, completing a triathlon, or improving our business. Investing in coaching is a significant investment that requires us to be accountable for taking action.

However, fear can often paralyze us, and we may not take any action. We may convince ourselves that the program is too expensive, too complicated, or not the right time to start.

These fears can hold us back from progressing in our health, fitness, finances, and mental well-being. Fear of failure is one of the biggest obstacles that we face. We fear failing, and we don't want to experience it. However, failing is a lesson that teaches us and allows us to progress and improve.

We often learn more about ourselves along the journey towards our goals than we do when we achieve them. The end goal may not even be what we really want or need. For example, society may push us to strive for having a six-pack, but our deep-rooted beliefs may tell us that it's not what we really want. We may uncover these deep-rooted beliefs only by taking action and giving ourselves enough time to learn and grow.

It's essential to be aware of fear and not let it hold us back. We may find it easier to stay in our comfort zone and avoid fear, but this can only give us temporary relief. It's crucial to face our fears and learn from our failures to achieve our full potential. It may be uncomfortable and raw to uncover the true causes of our fears, but it's worth it in the end. Stepping outside of our comfort zone may lead us to a life that we've always wanted, full of joy, energy, wealth, and love.

Lyric/ Quote I'm pondering

“Sleep is the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.”
Thomas Dekker

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Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#009)