Personal Lessons and Experiences From The Past Week


Within my coaching community this week I had a number of questions related to feeling tired for a lot of the time and how you were able to improve on that.

How you manage your energy throughout the day and understanding what could affect it is also vital.

Vital in the fact that by understanding these factors deeper, you can be more mindful of what supports you or what drains you of energy.

Sleep was the number one factor that I addressed in this week's masterclass (join the FREE community here) and what factors were needed to improve your sleep, get a good amount of it and make sure the quality of your sleep is optimal too.

Below are the main highlights of what was covered and what should be applied daily to build a healthy sleep routine.

  • Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night for all adults
  • Children and teens require even more sleep
  • To improve sleep habits, focus on having a consistent nighttime sleep routine, avoiding screen time an hour before bed and using that time to unwind (meditation, yoga, reading)
  • Try to limit caffeine consumption, especially within the first hour of waking up, and avoid caffeine 12 hours before bed
  • Set a consistent bedtime and stick to it, as the body likes routine
  • Getting adequate sleep is essential for the body to rest and rejuvenate, including reaching REM and deep sleep stages

This was just a summary of what was covered along with other factors that can contribute to your feeling tired throughout the day.

If you want the full masterclass then click the link below to get full access.


I recently talked about how I was at one time £12K in debt and how this accumulated very quickly.

What I didn't mention is the situation that lead to this. So let me explain.

Previously I had never been in debt (credit card not mortgage debt) and had always managed my money well.

This all changed when I moved to London with my girlfriend at the time.  New to a big city and excited to taste what it had to offer, we soon started eating out a lot.

On top of this, I was supporting us both with more of my share of the housing and living costs too. While also being self-employed and starting work in the new city slow going, to begin with.

Meaning I was having to borrow money on my credit cards to pay for the council tax, bills, and living expenses while still trying to keep up with the lifestyle we had before moving to London.

But the situation was different then, jobs were more stable and the cost of living was not as expensive as a capital city is.  

On top of all this, the relationship wasn't great and spending money on meals out, and holidays, I thought would magically solve the deeper problems we were facing at the time.

So as a result, slowly over a period of just over a year, I had wracked up £12k in credit card debt.

And for what?

All to present a lifestyle that we or maybe one of us wanted more in the relationship (her) than we were actually able to have based on our financial situation at the time.

In the end, the relationship failed and we went our separate ways but I was still left with £12k of debt hanging over me.

Thankfully, I managed to get out of this debt which is for another time but while this experience left us with some scares, these scares become lessons to how I am now able to manage my finances better and be on the road to more financial stable than I once was.  

So to summarise, what we see on the outside of what people have in a material sense, is only a mask to protect what is going on behind it.

And while I have no doubt that some are very happy and wealthy, I feel it is important to remember that we don't know that whole story and are actions in trying to keep up with the "Jones" can at times be at a detriment to our own wealth in the future.  


How we act and spend our money is also down to how we manage our minds.

If I had been able to be more open at the time around my finances then I might have avoided being £12k in debt.

You see, one of the biggest lessons I learned from that experience was to be more open. Not just about my finances but about all of my own insecurities.

Because brushing everything under the carpet and expecting it all to be OK is a recipe for disaster.  

It only lead to me feeling angry, frustrated and insecure.  Which only translated to more arguments with my partner at the time and the situation becoming worse.

As a result, this led me to a journey of honesty and transparency that has continued to this day.

Facing up to uncomfortable conversations about money, health, and relationships are all-important conversations for us to have in order for us to grow as humans.  

When you stop growing you start dying”, is by William S.Burroughs.

Working on your mindset to help you understand better why you spend some much money, why you overeat or why you fail to trust in relationships, are all examples of the work we have to do in order for us to have a chance of healing.

In order for us to contribute more to society and enjoy a life that is more fulfilling.

I know personally, the fact that I have been more open and continued to be has provided me with relationships (personal and professional) that are deeper and more connected that the relationships I have with friends I have known for many more years that are not as open and honest.  

So, can you take some time out this week to think about being more open, and more transparent in your life with the close people you have around you?

Start small and build up gradually and this will help you to train your mind to know that being more open isn't going to be as disastrous as we might feel within the stories we tell ourselves in our minds.

Let me know how practising being more open and honest with others with week has been for you by sending me a message on Instagram.

Love to know how it has been for you!

Lyric/ Quote I'm pondering

The best asset we have for making a contribution to the world is ourselves - Essentialism by Greg Mckewon

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Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#007)