Personal Lessons and Experiences From The Past Week


Recently it is becoming increasingly clearer what this health game is all about.

And while at times this might not seem so exciting but at the end of the day, this is what we are all striving for whether we admit it or not.


Our ability to live our lives independently of support or assistance from others. Whether that be medication to support your health or someone actually caring for you.

Living our lives free from these constraints gives us true freedom when it comes to our health and well-being.

If you are of the age under 40 reading this then this concept might feel a million miles away for you at the moment.

But if you are like me, have reached middle age and suddenly feel a greater sense of urgency or need to support one's health then you might be able to relate.

We all take this independence for granted until it is taken away from us in some form or another.

Even for a moment when you might have broken your wrist for example and cannot have full use of one hand or arm for 6 weeks. We soon realise the need for others to be there to support us through this time.

And while this might be temporary, a slow decline in our health as we age can result in this need for others to support us.

So what can you do about it?

Looking after your health is very much like your pension. The earlier you begin your pension and the consent investment into it over a number of decades results in you having more independence financially when you choose to retire.

So the more time you spend looking after your health when you still can, the easier and more independent your life will be once you have less of a choice to take care of it.

Walking and doing weight training now in your 40s, for example, will make getting around and getting out of a chair when you are in your 80s a hell of a lot easier.

So, my question for you today is. Have you started to invest in your health pension yet?


Continuing today's theme around independence translates very easily into wealth too.

The meaning of wealth for me does not mean having a big house, fancy cars and loads of material items.

For me, the meaning of wealth is to have freedom of choice to decide what I want to do every day when I wake up.

To be independently self-sufficient so I can support myself passively from the investments that I have made in my life, and not have to worry about losing my job or being dependent on others (benefits, job security etc) to live my life.  

While for me this is still a work in progress, I feel this is an important message to share.

As we can get caught up in what society wants us to have to be happy or feel wealthy. When in fact, give people the freedom of choice to do what they want, when they want, I feel they would take that over any material item or purchase.

Because all we have is time, the things we own will be treasured by others in the future or recycled into something else for a person to enjoy.  

And while we can always buy more stuff, we cannot buy back our time.  

So I feel it is important to continually review how you spend your money and while purchasing material items can bring a moment of joy, could that money be invested in other ways to deliver an opportunity of lasting joy and personal freedom?

Just a thought!  


Lastly, this concept of independence both for our health and our wealth has to come from a mindset shift.

Why. Because we are continually being conditioned to want more and be better.

While there is no harm in this, and to a certain level, this is still important for us humans to grow and evolve.

However, at what cost to our time on this planet?

What is the point of getting to the end of our life and thinking "I wish I just took more time to enjoy it?"

And I mean to enjoy it for what makes you happy, not what society pressures you into to be happy or make you believe makes you happy.

This can be very challenging as unless we go and live in a cave somewhere for the rest of our lives, we are always going to be exposed to some kind of marketing that makes us feel we might be lacking in something in our lives.  

So having the ability to filter your life, and remove the things that trigger you (social media, news etc) so that you can stay true to what brings you happiness is vital.

Practising being thankful on a daily bases, and having a thank you diary for example has been a practice I have done on and off.

It is a really worthwhile exercise that brings home to you the small things in life that you can give thanks for.

The birds sing as you wake in the morning. The smell of fresh morning air as the sunrises in springtime. The softens of my pillow as I rest my head in bed after a long day.

The list is endless once you give it time. But, practising being more thankful can help you be more content with your life as it is and less triggered by society to be left feeling like you are always needing something to be happy or happier.  

Note: Try this exercise - write down 3 things that you are thankful for each morning for the next week.

Let me know if this made you feel more thankful and present by the end of the week. Please send me a message on Instagram.

Lyric/ Quote I'm pondering

Saying yes to any opportunity by definition requires saying no to several others - Essentialism by Greg Mckewon

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Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#006)