Personal Lessons and Experiences From The Past Week


Each week I discuss the importance of looking after your physical health. Not just in this newsletter but in person with employees around the UK.

Weekly, I work with businesses to support their staff's health and well-being by delivering remote and onsite health assessments.    

And each week, I feel like I repeat myself by informing people to move more and eat less. And while you might have heard it a million times before.

Taking care of yourself can be as simple as that.

Forget the newest exercise trend or diet fad that is all the rage at the moment.

Focus on just moving your body daily and eating until you are about 80 % full.

Moving daily can be as simple as just getting in 10K steps a day, no gym, or exercise class is needed.

And being more mindful when you eat your food will help to let your body know when it is full.

Be present when eating, at the dinner table and not in front of the TV. Studies have shown that when eating in front of the TV or smartphone we can consume 25% more calories in our day as a result.

So if you are looking to support your health more this week, focus on keeping things simple before building on top of the better habits you are forming.


Unless you have been sleeping under a rock for the past few months, you might be aware that we are living through a "Cost of Living Crisis".

While I do not discount prices have increased for us all, meaning money does not stretch as far as it once did.

I am also have been increasingly aware that the narratives we are exposed to in the media might not reflect the whole picture.

While there are people in a society struggling, there is also a big portion of society thriving.

Living in London I see this all the time. People are still out spending their hard-earned money on fancy meals, entertainment and other material items.

And at times I am one of them too.

But what the media focuses on is the struggle people are facing and not the wealth that everyone else is enjoying and accumulating.

Why, because negative headlines mean more eyes on the story and attention. And as a result, holding people in fear of what might be and slowly distance themselves from what is possible for them to achieve in the world.

One person's struggle could be another person's luxury.

So being exposed to news stories that have no relevance to your living situation can only lead to more anxiety around the wealth (a plentiful supply of a particular desirable thing) that you have in your own life.

So, in my opinion, stay informed but not consumed by the news that has no relevance to you or your life!


On my path to a simpler life, I have started to read the book "Essentialism" by Greg McKeown.

Only a few chapters in I can already feel how this will benefit my life.

We all think that doing more is our way to being successful. In business, fitness or life. The push for more is never ending and I don't know about you, exhausting.

As a Yes Man, I find it more challenging to say No. But while this has created opportunities, it also came at a cost. Burn out.

Working 7 days a week, never switching off from work and the feeling that I was never doing enough to reach my goals.

It only was only when my relationship at the time broke down and I changed my environment that I has time to breathe. Taking stock of what I valued most in my life and how I was going to prioritise it first for the sake of my health and well-being. Both mentally and physically.  

The book addresses this in detail and gives many examples of the cost of doing too much and not prioritising enough. While we feel we can do and have it all, the truth is at what cost and is that cost worth taking?

Something to think about along with the quote I am pondering this week.

Lyric/ Quote I'm pondering

Less but better - Victor Hugo, French Dramatist

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Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#005)