Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#031)


One crucial factor that can help you cycle faster and recover quicker is managing your weight. If you're serious about enhancing your cycling performance, then let's talk about why shedding those extra pounds should be your top priority.

Sure, you can spend countless hours pushing yourself in the gym or on the turbo trainer to increase your FTP (Functional Threshold Power), but that could take months of hard work. On the other hand, losing some weight can naturally boost your FTP and significantly improve your cycling performance in a relatively short time.

If you're striving to improve your FTP, it could easily take six months of intense training before you notice any substantial benefits. However, by focusing on shedding weight, you can fast-track your progress and experience better results.

Imagine climbing those hills with ease, not struggling with every pedal stroke due to the extra kilos you carry. So, here's my advice: While regular training is vital, don't ignore the elephant in the room—excess body fat. Addressing weight management is the key to reaching your cycling goals.

To help you along the way, I'll share some essential tips that have proven effective for my clients. By incorporating these steps into your lifestyle, you'll find it easier to bring your weight down and enhance your cycling prowess.

1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking at least two litres of water per day can work wonders. Often, we mistake thirst for hunger, leading to unnecessary snacking. Proper hydration also aids digestion and improves gut health, helping you maintain regularity.

2. Cut Back on Alcohol: Eliminating alcohol from your diet is a simple yet powerful tool for weight loss. Not only does alcohol add empty calories, but even a single drink can negatively impact your health. Consider trying non-alcoholic options for social occasions.

3. Load Up on Vegetables: Ensure half of your plate comprises nutrient-dense vegetables at every meal. Opt for a balanced mix of carbohydrates from vegetables and fruits instead of calorie-dense options. Increasing your fibre intake will keep you fuller for longer and reduce snacking.

4. Prioritize Protein: Protein is essential for muscle recovery and repair after your training sessions. Make sure you're getting an adequate amount to help you feel fuller for longer.

5. Snack Smartly: If you need a snack, use the opportunity to include more fruits or vegetables in your diet—snack on items like carrots and hummus or an apple to meet your daily nutrient and fibre requirements.

By adopting these practices consistently, you'll notice a gradual decrease in weight, improving your cycling ability alongside your training efforts. Slowing down your eating pace and drinking water with each meal will also help control your calorie intake.

Remember, the key is to focus on your diet while incorporating training as part of your overall health and fitness regimen. By making these changes, you'll find yourself cycling faster, conquering climbs with ease, and enjoying a more rewarding cycling experience.

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The Key to Improving Your Cycling Performance: Weight Management