You might be struggling to manage weight due to constant demands like taking care of your kids, running errands, and maintaining the household, you barely have time to catch your breath, let alone prepare healthy meals and exercise regularly.

Despite your best intentions, you often turn to convenience foods and skip workouts, leading to unwanted weight gain. You've tried different diets, but the weight always creeps back on, leaving you feeling frustrated and defeated.

You know you need to make a change, but finding the time and energy to prioritize your health seems impossible.

All this could be down to the lack of planning and prioritization. When life is hectic, it's easy to put self-care on the back burner and fall into unhealthy habits like skipping meals, overeating, and relying on junk food.

Without a plan for healthy eating, it can be difficult to make progress and maintain a healthy weight. So each weekend, when you are doing your weekly food shop, make a meal plan that you can easily access throughout the week.

Then spend a few extra hours on Sunday to make two or three meals in bulk that then can be portioned up for lunches and dinners, while also being frozen to keep them fresh and reduce food waste.

While it might sound like a bit of work, the extra hours you spend preparing food on the weekends, you will get back double the amount in the week, freeing up time to spend with the family, get some exercise in and prioritize some important self-care for yourself.

Focusing on consuming what your purchase at weekends and trying to limit any impulse purchases throughout the week will allow you to better keep track of your progress while also supporting the calorie intake needed to see a shift in weight.

If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. This progress shouldn’t be saved for just the weekends. This can also be applied every time you make a meal. If you are making for two of you, make enough for 4 to 6 portions and straight away you have meals prepared for the days to come.

If you are always thinking a few meals ahead when cooking then the time spent cooking will be less than you think. But the hardest thing is getting started. That is why we provide done-for-you meal plans with shopping lists and calculated calorie intakes for each meal when supporting our clients in getting started.

While there is never one long-term solution for anyone, just getting started and seeing progress can be the hardest step of all. So we try and make it as easy for them as possible.

The easier and simpler the process, the easier it is to follow through and continue to make strides to improve your weight and overall health. In my 4-month group programme, weight management is one of the main things that I help amateur cyclists work on in order to go from yo-yo dieter to lean rider. We also work on maximising recovery, developing a stronger mindset and a personalised strength and conditioning programme.

If you are interested you can take a look at our memberships options below.  

Or you can content with me on Instagram or Youtube to ask me any questions!

Struggling with weight management can feel like a never-ending battle, especially when the constant demands of life leave little room for self-care.