Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#053)

So, you know that feeling when you're out on the road, pushing those pedals, and you've heard about the magic of training in zone two for cardiovascular fitness and cycling performance improvement?

Well, I get it. But here's the kicker – how do you know you're hitting that sweet spot when you're dodging potholes and enjoying the wind in your face? Trust me, I've been there.

In today's blog post, I want to share a little workout routine I've put together for myself, tackling each training zone from one to six. Because, let's be real, ain't nobody has time to stare at a computer screen while cruising down the road.

Zone 1: Active Recovery - Easy Breezy Rides

First off, let's talk about zone one – the active recovery zone. This is that easy-breezy ride, less than 50% of your FTP. Perfect for shaking off the weekend's ride fatigue. And you don't need to be glued to your bike; a stroll or swim works too. Keep it chill, keep it easy.

Zone 2: Cruising Comfortably - Your Cardiovascular Sweet Spot

Now, zone two is my happy place. With my FTP around 260, I'm cruising at 170 watts comfortably. The talk test is my go-to – if I can chat with a friend without gasping for air, I'm right where I need to be. Zone two is your friend for social rides and building that robust cardiovascular foundation.

Zone 3: Threshold Efforts - Feeling the Burn

Moving on to zone three – threshold efforts. 75-90% of FTP, and now I'm starting to feel the burn. Heart rate up to 152, breathing getting a bit heavier. Remember the talk test – conversation with gaps means you're in the zone.

Zone 4: Spice it Up - Near FTP Threshold

Zone four is where it gets spicy – near my FTP, 250 watts for two minutes. Threshold training is excellent for building strength, but don't overdo it. Fatigue is real, my friends.

Zone 5: VO2 Max Efforts - Power Bursts for Climbing Prowess

Now, zone five – VO2 max efforts. 105-120% of your max FTP. Heart rate skyrocketing, breathing getting intense. These are short, powerful bursts, ideal for climbing prowess and sprint improvement.

Zone 6: Anaerobic Sprint - Grand Finale

And the grand finale – zone six, the anaerobic sprint. 30 seconds of max effort. This one's a killer, and you'll know it when you're gasping for every breath. A sprinters' delight, but not a stroll in the park.

Takeaway: Balance and Listen to Your Body

So, here's the takeaway – spend most of your time in zones one and two. Enjoy your rides, and take in the scenery. Reserve the hard stuff for once a week, and listen to your body. Feeling fatigued? Ease up. The talk test is your trusty sidekick.

Don't get me wrong; data is crucial, but being in sync with your bike and feeling the ride is just as important. It's not always about the numbers on the screen. So, get out there, enjoy the wind, and pedal on!

And hey, if you want to give this workout a shot, drop a comment below. I'll hook you up with the Zwift details. Until then, keep the rubber side down, my friends!

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. The Cycle Lean Blueprint: This comprehensive all-in-one product is everything you need to shed kgs and ride faster.
  2. Our Group Cycle Lean Project: Get leaner and climb faster within our membership program.
  3. Personalized One-on-One Coaching: Explore our tailored coaching options designed to help you reach your goals. Book a call to discover the perfect coaching plan for you.

Setting Heart Rate Cycling Zones Without A Garmin