Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#059)

Ever found yourself halfway up a climb, desperately gasping for air, wondering if you made a wrong turn? Even stopping to catch your breath. Trust me, I've been there too, struggling for breath like a fish out of water.

Let me share why this might be happening and how to tackle it.

The Climb Struggle Is Real

Climbing for the very best is a challenge, and it gets even trickier if you're hauling around an extra 30 kg. You might have the lightest bike, but that won't do much when you're trying to drag that extra weight up the hill.

Not only does this make carrying yourself up the climb tough, but the extra weight sitting on your chest is compressing your lungs, making it harder to breathe. Combine the two, and you've got a recipe for a very uncomfortable experience.

So, What's the Solution?

Now, you might be thinking, "I need to train harder to climb stronger." Well, hold on a second. If you're carrying that extra weight, pushing yourself too hard can put your health at risk. Instead of just focusing on training harder, let's shift our attention to managing your calorie intake.

Calories In vs. Calories Out

Start by tracking your calorie intake off the bike. Aim for a calorie deficit of up to 500 calories. Forget about the calories you burn while riding for now – fuel well to ride strong. (If you're looking for more guidance, snag my Eat to Ride Guide).

Combining a smart off-bike nutrition plan with your on-bike fueling strategy allows you to navigate weight loss while still performing well on the bike.

Real Results Happen

In our Cycle Lean Mentorship Programme, this is exactly what we help our clients with. We separate their off-bike and on-bike fueling strategies, allowing them to lose weight while improving their cycling fitness steadily. Just check out Duncan, who dropped 15 kg in 16 weeks and gained 20 watts of power. Now that's what I call results!

Understanding Your Body's Needs

The key here is understanding how your body uses food for energy, and how those needs differ between being passive and active. The quicker you grasp this, the sooner you'll reach a stable body weight that makes climbing easier and keeps you from gasping for air on those tough ascents.

In our Cycle Lean Mentorship Programme, we focus on providing personalized and structured nutrition plans. It's not just about shedding weight – we're supporting our clients' training and mindset habits, aiming for long-term healthy lifestyle changes, both on and off the bike.

So, if you're tired of feeling like a fish out of water on climbs, maybe it's time to rethink your approach. It's not just about pedalling harder; it's about fueling smarter. And hey, who knows, you might find yourself easily conquering those climbs and leaving the breath-catching breaks behind.

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. The Cycle Lean Blueprint: This comprehensive all-in-one product is everything you need to shed kgs and ride faster. Grab it now for just £97
  2. Our Group Cycle Lean Project: Get ready to transform your fitness journey with our membership program. Get started for just £97 per month.
  3. Personalized One-on-One Coaching: Get the results you are aiming for with our one-to-one service. Explore our tailored coaching options designed to help you reach your goals fast.

Out of Breath Cycling Uphill!