The Cycle Lean Mentorship
The complete one-to-one guide to working with Damerell Coaching.
Dear friend and potential cycle lean member.
If you want the rare ability to stay lean past the middle age and be able to cycle faster and climb stronger, while shifting body fat and building muscle without hours riding your bike, this will show you how.
Here's the deal: I've created an exclusive, one-of-a-kind coaching programme called:
The Cycle Lean Mentorship
Here's what I mean:
The Cycle Lean Mentorship is for 40 + cyclists committed to becoming the best version of themselves. It is for cyclists who want to take control of their nutrition, training and mindset with close guidance from me.
You'll work with me over the next 4 months to fix your lifestyle habits and get in the best shape of your life. The fact you're reading this tells me you know who I am and what I can do for your health.
If you are still not sure who I am, then click here
So, let’s skip the sales pitch and get into the details.
I only take on a handful of one-to-one clients. In my business, I devote time to individual coaching. I dig deep into people's lifestyles, habits and mindsets to make REAL changes FAST.
I have already launched our community programme: “The Cycle Lean Project”.
Those who want more help get more access to me. I work with hard-working and dedicated cyclists who want to accelerate their progress, shave years off building better lifestyle habits and get in the best shape of their lives.
Here is how I can help you:
I have 3 types of clients that I’ve worked with and supported in the past.
Here are the three types of people I can help lose weight and gain strength, without hours riding their bike. You will probably find yourself identifying with one of the below. If you find yourself thinking, "That's me” then I can help you:
Cyclist #1 - The Rookie
or our Cycle Lean Community is a great place to start to learn the basics of fuelling effectively while cycling and incorporate
Both are fantastic to help you get to grips with losing weight, learn the basics of fuelling effectively while cycling, and incorporate a regular exercise routine.
However if you are reading this, courses or our membership programme might not be for you, or, you completed The Cycle Lean Blueprint and want more.
Many cyclists get overwhelmed with the task ahead. They feel that being healthy in middle age is too complicated and there's too much to learn. They feel lost.
Their weight loss wins come from hard dieting and hours a week of cycling. Any lifestyle shifts are non-existent.
And you know better than anyone, that progress will be faster and easier with the proper accountability and guidance. If you're a cycling rookie with no strategy, sustainable plan or programme to suit your time commitments.
Mentorship is the FASTEST way to solve your problems. I'll help you create everything you need from scratch. Change won't happen overnight, but you and I will get to work. We'll implement the building blocks of success way faster than you'll ever do on your own.
Cyclist #2 - The Cruisers
They've got the basics down, and now it's all about enjoying the ride. Cruisers are all about the leisurely pedal, taking in the scenery, and maybe stopping for an impromptu coffee or ice cream break. It's not about speed; it's about the chill vibes.
While this leisurely activity has yielded some initial results. These haven’t lasted for long. The initial weight loss has gone back on and despite not changing their once-new exercise routine, any results or progress in fitness has plateaued.
But beginner's luck doesn't last forever. If any progress has plateaued, I can help you implement repeatable processes so you never rely on luck. I'll assess where things are going wrong, give you a clear path to success, and guide you along the way.
Coach #3 - The Road Warriors.
These are the cyclists who mean business. Lycra-clad, aerodynamic, and armed with a GPS that could rival NASA's navigation system. Road warriors are on a mission. They're clocking serious miles, pushing their limits, and chasing that elusive personal best. You'll see them on the streets, zooming by like they've got a turbo boost button on their bikes.
You are cycling consistently. You are getting fitter, however, you want more. You want to be lighter and faster than you have ever been. You want friends commenting “Wow, you are looking lean.” You will be riding stronger than before and those around you will be asking you ‘What have you been doing?’.
Ok, my friend. Let's do it. Let's fine-tune what's working and break some Strava PBs.
How the Cycle Lean Mentorship Works
If you're one of these three types of cyclists then I am ready to be in your corner for the next 4 months (or more). I'm going to be the guy driving your lifestyle forward. I'm going to take the thinking out of the process.
I want to help make the next four months a time when you make huge progress with your lifestyle. A year from now, I want your health to be better than ever.
Here's how I'm going to do that:
1 - Initial Gap Assessment
Before we create solutions, you need to give me the full "lay of the land." Our first call is where you show me every aspect of your lifestyle.
No hiding. Give me the good, the bad, and the ugly. Tell me where you are now, where you want to be, and where you're stuck. From there we will map out a plan for change.
2- Blood analysis,
As part of our initial gap assessment and along with our fundamental health measurements like weight, and body fat %, we will be sending you a finger prick blood test in the post. Here we will be measuring cholesterol (total, HDL, LDL, Triglycerides), full liver function as well as vitamin D and B12. This gives us a clear understanding our your health inside and out.
3 - Training strategy, nutrition principles, mindset skills, and more...
With your plan in place, it's time to get to work. Training strategies, nutrition principles, and mindset skills. This is where we systematically implement and refine your lifestyle.
4 - Direct Access to Me
Through Asynchronous Coaching, I’m a huge fan of asynchronous coaching, which is a fancy way of saying that you get coaching precisely when you need it, not only at scheduled times.
You can DM me through the Cycle Lean community for a quick response. And, you'll get a private space in the cycle lean community for any lengthier questions, diet critiques, and training reviews. You don't have to wait until your next scheduled call to get support.
Send me your question, and I’ll respond within 24 hours (usually way quicker), Monday-Friday. Mentorship clients shoot to the top of my priority list.
5 - 60-Minute Mentorship Sessions
You'll get a 60-minute mentorship call every 4 weeks. I'll review your training, nutrition, and progress since the last call.
I'll help you work through any obstacles and give specific guidance to solve the big problems preventing you from changing your lifestyle. We do private, 1:1 video calls.
6 - Weekly Accountability & Actions
On each call, you'll get a list of actions to keep you on track and moving toward your goals. I'll get you to check in and update me with progress every week. You'll respond with your wins, what you're working on, and any issues you need help with. No escaping. I am always here to support you. The progress you can make in a few short months will surprise and motivate you.
7 - Access to my Courses & Programs
Have you looked at my other courses?
You will get access to The Cycle Lean Blueprint plus membership to our community.
Plus any new workshops we host each month that take a deep dive into all things nutrition, training and mindset.
What Outcome Can You Expect?
Less body fat, more muscle, more watts, a healthier relationship with food, a more resilient mindset and a happier outlook on life.
Fewer headaches, less stress, less overwhelm, fewer training hours. Of course, I can't guarantee any specific outcome. And, of course, you have to do the work. I only take on people for whom I think I can get a result.
Investment: £1500 for four months of coaching. (Payment plan options available on request).
This includes a 60-minute video coaching call every month and unlimited support in your private communication thread in the Cycle Lean Community. Plus, you’ll get access to any online courses for FREE while you’re part of the mentorship.
You MUST commit for at least 4 months. I can't turn your lifestyle around in a couple of weeks. I only work with those who have patience and can think long-term.
Next steps if you want to sign up:
I'll ask you a few questions to ensure you're a good fit. I won't take you on unless I'm confident I can get you a solid return on your investment. If you tick the boxes, I'll send over the payment link, and we'll get started.
P.S. Feel free to ask any questions via email before investing.
If you want another real-world example of what the Cycle Lean Mentorship can do, check out how I helped Duncan lose 15 kg in 16 weeks.
Duncan came to me lost, having hit rock bottom and needing some structure and accountability to get back to the fitness he once knew.
Check out his full testimonial here
Plus more client testimonials here and below
Duncan said
“we've hit all the goals that I'd set, or we'd set jointly together, every single one of them. The process of working with you has been very easy. You've been there to answer any questions, you've replied, you've been very easy to communicate with.
So I think for the last four months of working with you, Neil, I think we've hit every single target that we'd set. I don't think there's one we haven't achieved.
You've been answering questions, and are easy to communicate with. It's, I think the program has worked very well. There's not anything that I've not been happy with or not satisfied with. I think everything has been very good. “
This is why the Cycle Lean Mentorship differs from anything else I offer.
The Cycle Lean Blueprint and community give you strategy... They help you lose weight and cycle stronger.
But The Cycle Lean Mentorship covers EVERYTHING. It's a complete lifestyle overhaul.
It's like sending in Gordon Ramsey to rescue a failing restaurant. He's not going to tweak the menu and leave. He's picking everything apart and building a thriving business.
I'm doing the same thing with my 1:1 clients. As I said earlier... It's not cheap, and it's not for everyone. But if you're ready for REAL change, you'll reap the rewards.
Book a call to discuss my coaching options further and get started.