Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#025)

Welcome to this week's episode of "The Neil Damerell Show."

Today, I will be discussing the crucial shift in mindset necessary to achieve optimal health and wealth. Our mindset often acts as the biggest obstacle preventing us from reaching our goals. Many individuals I encounter acknowledge the need for more exercise, healthier eating habits, mindful spending, and investing in personal growth to enhance their earning potential.

However, the common challenge faced by these individuals, with whom I engage on a daily basis, is the need for a mindset shift. While they recognize the necessity of change, they often struggle to take action and find themselves trapped in the same position as before. The key lies in our daily habits, which can significantly influence our progress. Unfortunately, we often become fixated on the end goal, neglecting the importance of the journey.

In my interactions with clients and individuals I coach, I always emphasize the significance of daily habits in achieving progress. Though some days may prove more challenging than others, it is crucial to treat these habits with the same level of commitment instilled in us since childhood, such as the act of daily teeth cleaning. By transforming external habits into internalized routines through accountability, we can incorporate additional physical activity, mindful eating practices, and other positive changes into our lives.

Even if these daily steps appear small at first, their accumulation over weeks, months, years, and decades is where true transformation occurs. It is essential to shift our focus from short-term thinking—measuring weight loss or fitness improvement over a few months—to a more extended timeframe.

Consider the progress you can make over three, four, five, ten, twenty, or even thirty years. The more consistent action you take daily over an extended period, the greater your chances of succeeding in the game of life. These habits will compound exponentially, far surpassing the impact of a condensed training program lasting a mere few weeks or months.

While intense short-term programs may deliver immediate changes, many individuals struggle to maintain the high level of intensity required, leading them to falter and eventually give up. Instead, it is more advantageous to reduce intensity while consistently taking action, even if it means waiting six or twelve months to witness significant results. This approach ensures the development of sustainable habits that can be maintained throughout life.

Personally, I have observed remarkable improvements in my fitness over the past six months by consistently following a moderate training routine. Although I have not pushed myself too intensely, my dedication to regular workouts, with a focus on zone two training, has yielded positive results. By managing my fatigue and maintaining a five-day training schedule, I have experienced a 30-watt improvement in my FTP (Functional Threshold Power). This progress is a testament to the power of consistency, monitoring my training, and building upon steady growth.

By transforming training into an internal habit, something I incorporate into my daily routine, I have not only witnessed physical advancements but also mental and emotional benefits. I feel energized, productive, and structured, starting my day with exercise. This practice allows me to engage in business-related activities and positively impacts my overall performance.

Similarly, with this podcast and YouTube channel, I have committed to regular content creation. Despite days when I lack motivation, I consistently produce and share valuable material. This persistence has resulted in gradual growth, increased subscriber numbers, and a more engaged audience. I am sincerely grateful to those who have subscribed and continue to support this channel and podcast. Consistency and dedication are crucial, as expecting a single video or a week of intense exercise to yield substantial results is unrealistic.

This week, I urge you to take ownership of your health, wealth, and personal growth by incorporating daily small habits that improve your overall lifestyle. Begin with simple actions that can be easily implemented and sustained. For instance, a 10-minute walk each day or reading 10 pages of a relevant book daily can contribute to your knowledge enhancement. Over time, these habits will compound, leading to noticeable improvements as long as you apply what you learn and continue to progress in your fitness endeavors.

Consider integrating one additional serving of fruits or vegetables into your meals each day. Over time, this small change will increase the variety and nutritional value of your diet. By focusing on incremental adjustments week after week, you will undoubtedly witness results if you maintain your efforts.

Remember, this transformation is not a temporary endeavour. It is a lifestyle change, an ongoing process of personal growth. Embrace the fact that there is no ultimate end goal but rather a series of micro-goals. As you age, your priorities and aspirations may evolve, shifting from physical appearance to longevity or from earning money to saving and investing. By continuously focusing on small changes and daily habits, you will avoid feeling overwhelmed. Take it one day at a time, and eventually, these actions will compound, enhancing your financial, spiritual, and physical well-being.

I hope you found today's episode enlightening. Take action now and embrace daily habits that improve the areas of your life you wish to enhance.

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Neil Damerell Msc
Health, Wealth & Mindset. Sharing my past and present experiences and the lessons I am learning along the way. Find out more about me and the support I offer by going to my website. Come say hi over on Facebook or Instagram. Email me for any inquiries.

Mastering Mindset: The Key to Health and Wealth Transformation