Is Zone 2 harming your progress

Is Zone 2 harming your progress

Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#057)

So, this week I decided to put my legs to the test and see where my cycling fitness stood after a winter of Zone 2 training and hitting the weights twice a week.

I had this hopeful notion that I'd be cruising close to my peak from last summer at 262 watts. Spoiler alert: my legs disagreed. The final verdict? A somewhat disappointing 243 watts.

Now, before you start throwing virtual sympathy my way, let me break down what I learned from this experience.

Training Intensity

Firstly, it hit me that maybe, just maybe, my training intensity over the winter had been a bit too chill. I mean, Zone 2 is great for building a solid fitness base, but it seems my body got a bit too cosy in that comfort zone.

Secondly, it dawned on me that I hadn't given enough love to those threshold and sweet spot sessions – you know, the hard-hitting, lung-burning stuff. And guess what? That might be the reason behind my not-so-stellar FTP result.

However, taking a step back and reflecting on my cycling journey, I realized that last year, I was in a similar spot before introducing one glorious threshold session per week. Lo and behold, that's when I hit my peak in the summer.

So, here we are, embarking on what I've fondly named "Project 300." The goal? Getting as close to 300 watts by the end of the year or achieving an FTP of 4 watts per kg. Ambitious? Maybe. But hey, aiming high keeps things interesting, right?

This whole experience was a gentle reminder that if you're serious about cycling stronger, you've got to throw in those challenging sessions. Sure, Zone 2 is crucial for building a foundation, but neglecting the grittier efforts will only lead to a plateau – or worse, regression.

So, here's the golden nugget of wisdom I'm dropping today: once a week, treat yourself to a 30-60-minute threshold session (Zone 4). Trust me, your fitness will thank you, and you might even surprise yourself with the progress you make.

Now, I'm curious – how often do you challenge yourself with those hard-hitting threshold sessions? Share your thoughts and let's swap tales of suffering and triumph on the road to cycling greatness.

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. The Cycle Lean Blueprint: This comprehensive all-in-one product is everything you need to shed kgs and ride faster. Grab it now for just £97
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