Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#058)

Ever found yourself in the endless debate of carbs versus fats for your cycling nutrition? Well, you're not alone. Let's dive into this tasty topic.

Now, we all know that carbs are like the best buddies of athletes, especially in the world of endurance sports. They provide that quick burst of energy, helping us pedal through those long rides without feeling like a deflated balloon. But hey, what about the rebels who swear by the low-carb, high-fat diet?

Some argue that embracing this rebel lifestyle makes your body a fat-burning machine, helping you shed those extra pounds while cruising on your bike. Sounds intriguing, right? But is it all just a fad or is there some truth to it?

I stumbled upon a recent study by the awesome Iñigo San-Millán. This 5-week trial compared the effectiveness of training on a low-carb diet versus a high-carb one among well-trained cyclists. And guess what? The results were pretty interesting!

A Five-Week Periodized Carbohydrate Diet Does Not Improve Maximal Lactate Steady-State Exercise Capacity and Substrate Oxidation in Well-Trained Cyclists compared to a High-Carbohydrate Diet
There is a growing interest in studies involving carbohydrate (CHO) manipulation and subsequent adaptations to endurance training. This study aimed to analyze whether a periodized carbohydrate feeding strategy based on a daily training session has any advantages compared to a high-carbohydrate diet in well-trained cyclists. Seventeen trained cyclists (VO2peak = 70.8 ± 6.5 mL·kg−1·min−1) were divided into two groups, a periodized (PCHO) group and a high-carbohydrate (HCHO) group. Both groups performed the same training sessions for five weeks. In the PCHO group, 13 training sessions were performed with low carbohydrate availability. In the HCHO group, all sessions were completed following previous carbohydrate intake to ensure high pre-exercise glycogen levels. In both groups, there was an increase in the maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) (PCHO: 244.1 ± 29.9 W to 253.2 ± 28.4 W; p = 0.008; HCHO: 235.8 ± 21.4 W to 246.9 ± 16.7 W; p = 0.012) but not in the time to exhaustion at MLSS intensity. Both groups increased the percentage of muscle mass (PCHO: p = 0.021; HCHO: p = 0.042) and decreased the percent body fat (PCHO: p = 0.021; HCHO: p = 0.012). We found no differences in carbohydrate or lipid oxidation, heart rate, and post-exercise lactate concentration. Periodizing the CHO intake in well-trained cyclists during a 5-week intervention did not elicit superior results to an energy intake-matched high-carbohydrate diet in any of the measured outcomes.

Turns out, periodizing (that's a fancy term for restricting) carbohydrate intake during training didn't show any superior results compared to a good old high-carb diet. There was no magical difference in fat burning between the two groups. So, are we back to square one, or is there a way to marry weight loss and a love for carbs?

Here's the scoop: tailor your carb intake around your training intensity. It's like a matchmaking session for your food and your workout. If you're embarking on a glorious 4-hour weekend ride, go ahead and carb up. But for those easy-peasy hour-long zone 2 sessions, stick to your daily calorie allowance and chug that water like it's your job.

I've seen this strategy work wonders with my clients, like my man Duncan. In 16 weeks, he bid farewell to 14 kg and welcomed a sweet 20 watts into his cycling life. The secret? Smart nutrition that dances with your goals and lifestyle.

So, here's the bottom line: you can still indulge in your high-carb romance and achieve your fitness goals. It's all about playing the nutrition game smartly. Tailor it to your rides, your intensity, and your rest days.

If you're curious about how I can sprinkle some nutritional magic into your cycling journey, slide into my DMs. Let's chat about your goals, and who knows, you might be the next success story.

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Is cycling nutrition all about carbs or is there a place for fats?