Wellness Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#002)

Personal Lessons and Experiences From The Past Week



This past week and especially over the weekend I have been sleeping really well.

At times I can be as guilty as the rest to be on my phone up until bed and reaching for it as soon as I get up. But over the past week, I have made a conscious effort to switch my phone off, 1 hour before bed and not turn it on until I have had breakfast (unless in the gym).

The hour before bed is now spent either doing some yoga, reading or just unwinding by talking with my girlfriend to help download the events of the day.  

Doing this I have found that I am falling asleep very easily, not waking up as much in the night and getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep.

Feeling energised for my morning workouts, being productive in my day and avoiding any dips in energy throughout.

Let me know about your sleep experience and how you find it.  


I am still reading "The Physiology of Money" by Morgan Housel.

Each chapter is clearly laid out and easy to read. I am really enjoying it. I am over halfway through the book by now and what has become very clear while reading this is that our story around money plays a bigger role than the simple transaction that we use the money for.

"The most important driver of anything tied to money is the stories people tell themselves and the preferences they have for goods and services."

Understanding my own story around money and how I manage it, accumulate it and choose to spend it is something I have been working on a lot over the past few years.

Which, I will share in bit-size snippets in future newsletters, so stay tuned.

Source - The Physiology of Money" by Morgan Housel.


Recently I have become increasingly aware of things that can trigger my mental health. Both in a positive and negative way.

Not long ago, me and my girlfriend had been watching Ozark on Netflix.  (have you seen it?) Having heard a lot of good things we decided it was about time we saw what all the fuzz was about.

It didn't fail to deliver and we quickly go through season one. However, as we began season two we started talking and sharing thoughts on the show that we had both been feeling.

After each episode, we both felt pretty low, slightly traumatised from all the killings and the belief that watching this show any further wasn't going to be in our best interests for our mental well-being.  

So, Ozark, I am sorry but it may be a while until we revisit you.

I feel this is very important to acknowledge as we can easily get swept up in the media we consume, online, TV shows, and films and maybe not give a second thought to how it may affect our mental state.

However, subconsciously, I feel that if we are exposing ourselves to media that does more harm to our mental health than support it, surely we need to take a step back and review what we choose to expose our minds to.

So we found a show that filled us with joy and happiness instead. Stay tuned to discover what that show was! It is a gem!

Lyric/ Quote I'm pondering

"you talk of the pain like it's all alright

But I know that you feel like a piece of you's dead inside"

Source: Harry Styles, Matila

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Why sleep has become my number one priority.