Wellness, Wealth and Mindset Weekly (#001)

Personal Lessons and Experiences From The Past Week


Cold showers made me sick!

I decided to up my cold shower game by allowing my body to warm up naturally. According to Andrew D. Huberman, an American neuroscientist, this increases your metabolism as your body has to thermoregulate itself.

But after a week I felt like I had a cold coming on and experienced some cold chills in my sleep.

So, the lesson for me was to follow cold with warm to look after myself better!


Currently, I am reading "The Physiology of Money" by Morgan Housel.

I only have a way through it but already it has made me feel less anxious about money and building wealth. We all like to think we have a certain about of control over our investments and finances but in reality, we have control over very little.

"History never repeats itself, man always does" -

Source - The Physiology of Money" by Morgan Housel.


Mentally, working for yourself and from home, it can be hard to switch off at the end of each day.

But, what I have found to my surprise is working really well has been walking.

A new year goal of mine was to walk 10,000 steps a day as some days if I am sat down like most people these days, can do less than 2000. Not good.

And each day apart from one (8,000) I have done 10,000 plus steps. And in doing so I have been going for a walk at the end of my day to get in some extra steps.

Sometimes, a walk before work and at lunchtime to make break it up. 10,000 steps in one go can be an hour and a half of walking. Not something you want to leave till the end of the day, let me tell you.  

So while the goal was to get more movement in my day, to my surprise I have found that it is helping me switch off from a day's work. Coming home cleansed and ready to relax for the evening.

Lyric/ Quote I'm pondering

"Turn on the television and see the vision they feed us"

Source: Logic, Everybody

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The Problem I Faced When Going Extreme With My Cold Showers!