Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#022)

Personal Lessons and Experiences From The Past Week


In terms of our health this week, my partner and I have been focused on ensuring that we consume a litre of water before even getting out of bed. This has been something I've been very mindful of. Throughout the day, I already consume plenty of water, so staying hydrated has never been a struggle for me.

Previously, in the mornings, I would sip water throughout the day while having breakfast instead of making sure I consumed a litre before getting out of bed. However, this week I have noticed a significant change. I'm already hydrated even before having breakfast, and it has positively affected my energy levels.

I don't need to visit the restroom as frequently in the morning as I used to when I consumed water throughout the day. Additionally, it has improved my digestive system and regularity. I never really had an issue with that before. However, I may need to use the restroom before breakfast now, whereas previously I would wait until after breakfast when I had consumed more fluids through my porridge and other food.

It's important to note that this change has helped both me and my partner increase our overall hydration intake. By prioritizing hydration first thing in the morning, it alleviates the pressure to constantly consume large amounts of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. In the past, if I drank too much water in the afternoon or evening, I would end up needing to use the restroom during the night, which disrupted my sleep.

If you're like me and want to minimize nighttime bathroom visits, I recommend front-loading your hydration. Start the day by consuming a litre of water, continue drinking throughout the day, and gradually decrease intake around four or five o'clock in the afternoon. It's still fine to have some sips and other fluids in the evening, but there's no need to strive for another litre if you've already consumed enough throughout the day.

This approach is crucial for all aspects of life. Our bodies are made up of 70% water, and I've recently discussed how it can improve cycling performance and overall cognitive function. Even a slight dip in hydration can affect cognitive function, impair performance, and slow reaction times, impacting our daily activities, not just during exercise but also at work.

By front-loading hydration, starting with a litre or even half a litre if you're just starting out, it becomes easier to stay hydrated, an essential element of maintaining good health. Many people struggle with drinking enough water throughout the day. Additionally, the tea, coffee, and juices we consume alongside water contribute to our overall fluid intake rather than being the sole source.

So, my takeaway tip for this week is to prioritize front-loading your hydration. Consume 500 millilitres to a litre of water before getting out of bed in the morning. Keep it by your side, and as soon as your alarm goes off, get up and drink it to kickstart your day.


In terms of wealth, this week I want to recommend a person named Robert Rich. He has authored several books, including "Saving Capitalism for the Common Good" and "The Workers of Nations." While I haven't personally read them, I follow him on Instagram, where he shares insightful information on his page. Understanding the wealth gap and topics like the abundance mindset versus the restrictive mindset is particularly interesting in today's society.

Rich discusses how the system, especially in America where he primarily focuses, has been shaped by those in power to create an environment that makes it seem like we are struggling for reasons beyond our control. It's as if the game is rigged to benefit the wealthy while those at lower levels, such as minimum-wage earners, rarely have the opportunity to improve their circumstances.

While I firmly believe that we can all make positive changes in our lives and become wealthier, fitter, and healthier through our own actions, it's important to grasp the underlying narratives that have been unfolding. Sometimes, without a helping hand, climbing the ladder becomes much more challenging.

I highly recommend checking him out. I will include the links in the show notes for you to visit his Instagram page. His discussions are thought-provoking, especially given the current situation in America with increasing levels of debt and the potential consequences for the future. It's worth considering the amount of debt not just in America but also in the UK, where we are borrowing significant sums of money while simultaneously cutting taxes for the rich. Eventually, this debt will need to be repaid, and it raises intriguing questions about the overall narrative.

Take a look, form your own opinions, and consider how these concepts relate to your perspective on wealth and well-being. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to share them in the comments section of this video or in the show notes. You can also reach out to me on Instagram for further discussion and questions.


In terms of mindset, I had a conversation this week with someone who reached out for private coaching. During our chat, I aimed to understand their goals and struggles to see if I could assist them. The individual in question was a middle-aged woman who actively participated in triathlons. However, she had previously struggled with an eating disorder and felt that, despite being fit and healthy from an exercise perspective, maintaining a healthy weight remained a challenge for her.

I asked her questions like "How do you feel about that?" and "What strategies have you tried?" to gain insight into her perspective. She had developed a narrative in her mind that being a middle-aged woman meant constantly struggling. She also mentioned that she had avoided diets due to their association with a restrictive approach, given her past experiences with an eating disorder. However, I emphasized that one's diet refers to their everyday eating habits.

It became evident that these ingrained narratives were holding her back. She approached me for coaching, specifically a 14-day trial that I offer for free. I encouraged her to try it out, explaining that the solution wouldn't solely lie in a diet or physical health approach. Often, these methods alone don't address the underlying reasons for weight fluctuations or the challenges individuals face in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

In many cases, it's our mindset and the stories we tell ourselves that have a significant impact. Stressful events or setbacks may trigger emotional eating, leading to weight regain. Therefore, it's crucial to develop coping mechanisms and strategies to overcome such obstacles. Discipline and motivation are initially present, but life's challenges often interfere. The key is how we navigate and overcome these challenges, focusing on the positives and striving for lasting results.

Jumping from one diet to another or trying various exercise plans perpetuates a cycle that needs to be broken. Understanding the underlying narrative and why we engage in this cycle is essential. It's not about a diet or exercise plan failing; it's about adopting a sustainable approach that integrates health and well-being into our daily lives.

Temporary fixes, such as crash dieting before a vacation or shedding pounds post-Christmas, don't address the deeper-rooted issues we have with ourselves. To bring about lasting change, we must change the narrative we have in our minds and prioritize our own health. When we prioritize ourselves, other aspects of our lives fall into place. How we approach one thing reflects how we approach everything.

If you are seeking weight management, increased fitness, and overall health improvement without constantly worrying about dieting or experiencing weight fluctuations, I encourage you to explore the narrative surrounding your struggles. It may require delving into uncomfortable past experiences, but discomfort is often necessary for personal growth and development. If you're interested in my 14-day trial, you can find the link in the show notes and description. Before signing up, we can have a discussion to determine if it's the right fit for you.

Please note that our coaching goes beyond diet and exercise. It involves uncovering the stories and challenges that have held you back from prioritizing your health. Together, we can overcome these obstacles and work towards mental and physical well-being in the long run.

The link for the trial can be found in the show notes below if you'd like to learn more.

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Neil Damerell Msc
Health, Wealth & Mindset. Sharing my past and present experiences and the lessons I am learning along the way. Find out more about me and the support I offer by going to my website. Come say hi over on Facebook or Instagram. Email me for any inquiries.

Front-Loading Hydration: The Key to Improved Energy, Digestion, and Overall Health