Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#032)

Introduction: A Glorious Morning in Devon

Welcome back to the blog. Today, join me in Devon as I embark on an 80-mile journey around Dartmoor. I returned to my hometown to visit family for the weekend. Whenever I'm in town, I make sure to bring along my bike. Despite yesterday's stormy and windy weather, the day brought about a sense of calm after the storm, presenting us with a glorious morning.

The Route-Ahead: Challenges and Personal Bests

Our plan for the day was an 80-mile route, one that I've had the pleasure of completing a few times before. I was setting my sights on Dartmoor, with a strategy to reserve my energy for some personal bests on particular climbs. For those familiar with the Devon and Cornwall regions, our route includes the Cornwood climb—a relatively short ascent spanning about 1.2 miles at a 3% grade. My previous best time stands at around 11 minutes, and I'm determined to surpass that today.

Our next challenge is Pork Hill, another brief yet steep climb boasting a gradient of 7%. My previous record is 7 minutes, and I'm eager to beat that. Lastly, we're tackling Rudderstone, a 5-mile climb leading up to Prince Town. This climb maintains an average gradient of around 5%, and my personal best here is approximately 25 minutes. I'm aiming to conserve my strength for a strong effort on this leg.

Dawn Adventure: Capturing the Beauty

We set out at 6 a.m. to make the most of the glorious morning. I'll do my best to capture the essence of our journey and share the breathtaking sights of Devon and Cornwall. Let's commence our adventure.

Pushing Limits: Climbing Efforts and Deep Reflections

Oh, the sensation is overwhelming—it's the first time I've felt queasy after exertion in quite a while. Just completed the time trial section from Ivybridge to Ermington, currently ascending the hill back to Ivybridge. This stretch remains a cherished favourite of mine, offering a steady incline along smooth, well-paved roads.

Given my favourable training progress, I decided to push myself, seizing the opportunity to experience this cherished route once again. Despite my initial intention of reserving energy for the climbs, I may have already expended a fair amount of effort. Nevertheless, this is all part of the allure and thrill of cycling—embracing the struggle and delving deep into the realms of exertion. Such a gratifying experience.

Unexpected Obstacles: Road Closures and Revisions

Now, as we return through Sparkwell, it becomes evident that the intended route is inaccessible due to a road closure caused by the storm, Anthony, that struck yesterday. Fallen trees and debris litter the path, with workers diligently clearing the aftermath. Consequently, I'll reroute back to Sparkwell.

Unfortunately, to regain access to the moors, I must now tackle the Lee Moor Climb—a challenge even steeper than before. It's quite a formidable task, and while I may attempt to conquer it with gusto, only time will tell.

The Grit of Determination: Tackling Steep Ascents

Approaching Pork Hill now, having recently endured a torrential downpour. However, the weather has transitioned into a state of splendid sunshine, a quintessential characteristic of Dartmoor's climate. The view from the summit promises to be remarkable.

Despite possibly having expended a significant amount of energy on prior efforts, I'm determined to gauge the strength left in my legs. Having completed two strenuous climbs earlier, I'll persevere. With over 50 miles under my belt, let's see what remains in the tank.

Savouring the Challenges: A Test of Endurance

Conquering Pork Hill, I'm astounded by its punishing nature. The relentless ascent is a testament to its steepness. While not particularly long, the climb feels eternal, a true test of endurance. Nevertheless, the panoramic views that await at the top make every ounce of effort worthwhile.

The Journey's End: Reflections and Accomplishments

Returning from the ride, the Garmin reads approximately 75 miles. Along the climb to Prince Town, I caught up with another cyclist, and together, we formed a chain gang for the journey home—a rewarding experience in itself.

As the day draws to a close, I conclude this blog. Thank you for joining me, and don't forget to like, subscribe, and stay tuned for our next adventure.

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Dartmoor's Strava Challenge: Chasing PBs and Pushing Limits