Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#036)


This year, I set myself a lofty goal: to reclaim the peak fitness I had achieved back in 2019. It was a year filled with epic cycling achievements, including the Ironman 70.3 Mallorca, Tour of Wessex, L'Étape du Tour, and Ironman 70.3 Weymouth. My aim? To achieve a formidable FTP (Functional Threshold Power) of 260 Watts. However, after a gruelling year of training, I learned the importance of training smarter, not harder, to reach my fitness goals.

Building a Strong Foundation

My journey towards smarter training began in September 2022, and it was all about building a solid foundation. I shifted my focus to weight training and introduced a multitude of zone 2 sessions into my routine. To keep things challenging, I added a hard threshold session every week.

What made this approach different was the emphasis on quality over quantity. It's a shift in mindset that any cyclist can benefit from, as it ensures you make the most of your training time while minimizing the risk of overtraining and injuries.

The Road to Redemption

As spring 2023 approached, I gradually increased my time on the saddle in preparation for some significant events: RideLondon and the Dragon Ride Wales Grand Fondo, a daunting 210 km sportive with 10,000 feet of climbing. By the time the Dragon Ride arrived in June, I felt better than I had in years.

What made this experience stand out was the slow, methodical buildup of my fitness over almost a year. Instead of rushing towards my goal, I had patiently built a strong foundation, which meant that even when the going got tough during the event, I could savour every moment.

Quality Over Quantity

The key takeaway from my journey is the importance of prioritizing quality over quantity in your training. Here are some principles to keep in mind:

Periodization: Plan your training in phases, incorporating rest and intensity strategically.

Strength Training: Don't underestimate the value of strength training—it enhances overall performance and reduces the risk of injury.

Aerobic Base: Dedicate the winter months to building a robust aerobic base; it's the bedrock for more intense workouts later.

Consistency: Slowly increase your training load to avoid burnout.

Rest and Recovery: Give your body the rest it needs to adapt and grow stronger. Overtraining can lead to setbacks.

Goal Setting: Set specific, achievable goals; having a clear target keeps you motivated.

The Future of Cycling Success

In conclusion, I want to encourage everyone with cycling goals to start now. Build that robust aerobic base, focus on strength during the winter, and you'll be well on your way to a successful spring and summer of cycling.

In the end, by adopting the principles of smart training and patience, you can reach peak fitness, conquer challenging rides, and savour every moment of your cycling journey. Start today and pedal your way to success in 2024 and beyond.

For those of you seeking structured training schedules, personalized nutrition plans, and support to cycle faster and recover quicker, I have exciting news.

The "Cycle Lean Project" I have been working on for the last few months is now ready. A 10-week winter training programme to ensure you are one step ahead of the competition come spring 2024.

If you'd like to be among the first to sign up then click the link below to find out more.

The Cycle Lean Project
Unleash Your Cycling Potential: Transform Your Ride, Shred Pounds, and Ride Stronger in Just 10 Weeks! Are you a cyclist over 40 looking to transform your riding experience? Do you want to lose weight, cycle faster, boost your watts per kilogram, and become a stronger cyclist? If so, you’re in

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Cycling Smarter, Not Harder: My Journey to Peak Fitness and Beyond