Conquering the Dragon Ride: A Thrilling Cycling Adventure in Wales

Conquering the Dragon Ride: A Thrilling Cycling Adventure in Wales

Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#023)

Personal Lessons and Experiences From The Past Week

Welcome to today's blog post, where I'll take you on an exhilarating journey through my experience at the Dragon Ride in Wales. Strap in and join me as I recount the ups and downs of this epic cycling event.

As the weekend approached, I eagerly prepared myself for the Dragon Ride, a challenging cycling event in Wales. On Saturday, I found myself getting ready, filled with anticipation for the adventure that lay ahead.

My goal was to complete the Grand Fondo, a demanding 213-kilometre (135-mile) route with approximately 3,400 meters (11,000 feet) of climbing. The weather forecast initially promised a sunny day, but unexpected thunderstorms threatened to dampen the ride later in the afternoon. Hoping for the best, I aimed to start early around 7 a.m., aiming to avoid the rain and ensure a safe journey.

I set off on the ride, determined to conquer the climbs and share my experience with you. However, my ride hit a minor setback early on. The new cleats I had fitted on my shoes were not positioned correctly, causing discomfort in my knee. Recognising the issue, I had to make a quick stop and readjust them. It was essential to ensure a comfortable and safe ride. Once the cleats were properly aligned, I rejoined the route, now riding solo and waiting for fellow cyclists to catch up.

Climbing Black Mountain (5.3 KM/ 5.8 %)

Nervousness gripped me as I peddled forward, eagerly anticipating the challenges that awaited. The first climb, the Black Mountain, loomed ahead—a 5-kilometre ascent with a gradient of 5.5 per cent. Despite the initial troubles with my cleats, I pushed through, finding my rhythm and enjoying the breathtaking scenery. The stunning views reminded me why I love cycling and why I had taken on this remarkable challenge.

As the ride progressed, I reached the fifth climb of the day, a 5-kilometre ascent with a gentler gradient of 3 per cent. The temperature rose, and I had yet to make a stop. By this point, I had consumed two bottles filled with 90 grams of carbs each and a nutrition bar, ensuring I maintained my energy levels. The undulating terrain added a unique dimension to the ride, with short but steep sections that put extra strain on my legs. Despite these additional challenges, I pushed forward, determined to keep a steady pace and preserve my stamina.

With the halfway mark approaching, I focused on conserving energy and maintaining my momentum. Some riders had veered off course earlier, causing confusion, but now I could see fellow cyclists around me, providing a sense of camaraderie. Looking ahead, I found solace in the knowledge that the final 25 kilometres would be a downhill stretch, offering a well-deserved reprieve from the climbs.

The next significant obstacle was Devil's Elbow, a demanding 1.8-kilometre climb with a punishing 10 per cent gradient. By this point, fatigue had set in, prompting me to make a strategic stop to refuel and rehydrate. A chicken wrap with salt content provided the much-needed boost, giving me the energy to push through. Though exhaustion crept in, I was determined to finish strong, along with the rest of the riders.

Climbing The Bwlch (4.4 KM/ 5.8 %)

The time had come for the final climb of the day, a challenging test for both body and mind. I dug deep, drawing upon my mental fortitude to endure the pain and conquer the ascent. The views surrounding me were awe-inspiring, serving as a constant reminder of the rewards that awaited at the top. Every pedal stroke brought me closer to the finish line.

Finally, I crossed the finish line, overwhelmed with a profound sense of achievement. The gruelling training I had undergone over the past six months had paid off. I completed the Dragon Ride in a commendable time of eight hours, maintaining an average speed of 16.5 miles per hour. Throughout the day, I paced myself, fuelled my body adequately, and finished the event without being completely depleted. The satisfaction was immeasurable.

Reflecting on the overall experience, I couldn't help but appreciate the incredible event that the Dragon Ride is. For those seeking the challenge of alpine-like climbs within the UK, this ride is a must. The breathtaking landscapes, especially during the climbs like Devil's Elbow, left a lasting impression on me. I highly recommend this event to fellow cycling enthusiasts who wish to test their limits and witness the beauty of Wales firsthand.

Now, as I conclude this blog post, I am filled with a sense of contentment and a deep desire for rest and sleep. The Dragon Ride was an unforgettable journey that pushed me to my limits and taught me valuable lessons about perseverance and self-discovery. Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and remember to embrace your passions and push beyond your comfort zone. Until next time, keep cycling and exploring the world around you!

P.S. You can also experience this week's blog as a Vlog. Just head to my Youtube channel below to see it in action!

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Neil Damerell Msc
Health, Wealth & Mindset. Sharing my past and present experiences and the lessons I am learning along the way. Find out more about me and the support I offer by going to my website. Come say hi over on Facebook or Instagram. Email me for any inquiries.