Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#051)

If you've ever found yourself pedalling in circles wondering how to boost your cycling game, worry not—I've got you covered. Here are five habits that, in my experience, can solve 99.99% of your cycling problems and take your performance to the next level.

1. Consistency is Key 🚴‍♂️

Let's kick things off with the most fundamental habit: consistency. Being a weekend warrior won't cut it if you're aiming for stellar results. To truly up your cycling game, commit to regular rides throughout the week. Even if time is tight, shoot for a solid four hours per week. Consistency not only makes your weekend rides smoother but also accelerates your progress in fitness and cycling ability.

2. Strength Training for Efficiency 💪

Cycling isn't just about clocking miles; it's about building strength in the right places. Incorporate at least two weight sessions per week, focusing on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and lunges. Strengthening your muscles not only improves efficiency but also makes those pedal strokes a breeze, saving you energy in the long run.

3. Fuel Right, On and Off the Bike 🍏

Maintain a healthy body weight and fat percentage by fueling your body smartly. Aim for 60 to 90 grams of carbs per hour while riding and focus off the bike on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy carbs, lean protein, and good fats. A well-nourished body not only aids recovery but also enhances your overall performance.

4. Prioritize Recovery for Maximum Gains 🛌

Training hard is crucial, but so is recovery. Dedicate at least one or two days a week to recovery activities like light stretches, yoga, Pilates, swimming, or a leisurely walk. Quality sleep is non-negotiable; aim for 8 to 9 hours per night. Adequate recovery ensures your body adapts and progresses, making your hard work on the bike truly count.

5. Track Your Progress 📈

Don't fly blind—keep tabs on your progress. Regularly conduct FTP tests, monitor weight and body composition, and track gym performance. Periodize your training, setting clear, realistic goals. Having a roadmap with measurable markers keeps you on the right track, helping you crush your cycling goals.

Bonus Tip: Embrace the Hills 🌄

And here's a little bonus tip for you: don't shy away from hills! Embrace them. If you avoid hills, you're just sidestepping a chance to improve. Incorporate hill sessions into your training—they'll make you not only physically stronger but also a more resilient cyclist.

So there you have it, five habits and a bonus tip to revolutionize your cycling game. Embrace them, make them a part of your routine, and watch your cycling performance soar. Happy pedalling! 🚵‍♀️

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

  1. The Cycle Lean Blueprint: This comprehensive all-in-one product is everything you need to shed kgs and ride faster.
  2. Our Group Cycle Lean Project: Get leaner and climb faster within our membership program.
  3. Personalized One-on-One Coaching: Explore our tailored coaching options designed to help you reach your goals. Book a call to discover the perfect coaching plan for you.

5 Essential Habits For Improving Your Cycling Performance.