The science of weight loss for cyclists over 40

The science of weight loss for cyclists over 40

Wellness, Wealth & Mindset Weekly (#067)

Today, we're delving into the fascinating world of weight management, specifically targeting cyclists who are over the age of 40.

It’s a common belief that as we age, our metabolism slows down, making weight management more challenging. However, is that the truth? Let's break down some myths and back them up with science, providing effective strategies to manage weight now and in the future.

Understanding Your Metabolism

One of the most pervasive myths is that our metabolism inevitably slows down with age. The reality, supported by science, is that our metabolism remains fairly constant between the ages of 20 and 60. Only after 60 does it begin to slow down, but even then, at a rate of about 1 per cent a year.

What does this mean for you? Simply put, by maintaining good lifestyle habits, your metabolism doesn’t have to decline significantly as you age.

The Inevitable Weight Gain?

Another common misconception is the inevitability of weight gain as we get older. True, lifestyle changes and commitments can make maintaining activity levels a challenge, but it’s not all gloom and doom. It's not so much about ageing itself but rather about our lifestyle choices and the environment we are in that impact our weight. The key lies in staying as active as possible and making informed nutritional choices. 

Too Late to Start Exercising? Think Again

If you're thinking it's too late to start exercising in your 40s or beyond, here's some motivation for you: studies have shown that fitness and strength gains can be significant at any age, even if you’re starting from scratch. Establishing new habits might seem daunting, but the benefits are well worth the effort. Remember, it's never too late to reap the rewards of exercise.

Boosting Your Metabolism: Focus on Body Composition

The biggest factor influencing your metabolism isn't your age—it's your body composition. More muscle mass equates to a higher metabolism because muscles require more energy. This means focusing on building muscle and losing fat is crucial for maintaining a healthier, more active metabolism.

Hormones and Weight Management

As we age, hormonal changes can impact our weight, appetite, and overall health. For instance, a decrease in testosterone can affect men’s ability to maintain muscle mass, while changes in hormones like ghrelin can increase appetite if we're not getting enough sleep. Managing these factors through lifestyle choices, like ensuring adequate sleep and managing stress, can help you keep your hormones in check.

Building More Muscle After 40

One of the most effective strategies for managing weight and boosting your metabolism is building muscle mass. This is especially important after 40, as we start to lose muscle at a rate of about 1-2% per year. Weight training becomes essential, not just for maintaining muscle, but for overall health, injury prevention, and improving your riding performance.


Demystifying these common myths about weight and ageing offers us a clearer path towards managing our health and fitness as we get older. Remember, metabolism, muscle mass, and hormones play pivotal roles in our weight management journey.

It’s all about making informed lifestyle choices—eating well, exercising regularly (including weight training), and managing stress.

Staying focused on these aspects can help you manage your weight, stay lean, and keep enjoying your cycling endeavours no matter your age. Remember, you're in control of your destiny when it comes to staying fit and healthy. Stay active, stay informed, and let’s keep pedalling forward.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to reach out or comment below. Here's to a healthier, stronger you, on and off the bike!

Whenever you're ready, here are the ways I can help you:

  1. The Cycle Lean Blueprint: This comprehensive all-in-one product is everything you need to shed kgs and ride faster.
  2. The Cycle Lean Private Facebook Group: Imagine learning how to lose weight, gain strength and cycle stronger without the need for hours riding your bike. Even if you cannot fork out hundreds each month to access your private fitness coach.
  3. The Cycle Lean Group Plus Coaching: Get ready to transform your fitness journey with our monthly membership program.
  4. Personalized One-on-One Coaching: Get the results you are aiming for with our one-to-one service. Explore our tailored coaching options designed to help you reach your goals fast.